All 2021/22 season tickets are now equipped with an NFC chip, which allows you to access all important information about GC home games quickly and easily on your mobile phone.
With the upcoming season, all 2021/22 season tickets will be equipped with an NFC chip. With the chip, all information relating to Grasshopper Club Zürich's home games can be accessed quickly and easily. The NFC function, which is available on all modern smartphones, provides access to the most important information, such as previews, key data, line-ups, etc. The line-up will be available about one hour before the match. All you have to do is to activate NFC, hold it against the chip and a page with all the important match info will pop up.
Sustainable system
With the NFC chip from Innovatix, Grasshopper Club Zürich does without a physical match programme. In this way, the club not only wants to offer its fans the easiest possible access to match information, but also make a contribution to sustainability by saving paper.
More information on how to activate NFC on your smartphone (<link https: how-to-use-nfc-android-164644 external-link-new-window auf eine externe seite grasshopper club>Android - <link https: iphone-nfc external-link-new-window auf eine externe seite grasshopper club>Apple).
For those who do not have a smartphone with NFC function or season subscription, all information will still be available simultaneously on or also on the official social media channels. In addition, individual NFC chips will be available at the points of sale for single ticket holders.